BF Project takes on new corporate visual identity



New brand reflects the creativity, modernity, innovation, and adaptability that characterize Brazilians


Giving continuity to its strategy of gaining greater visibility on the national and international markets, in 2012, the Brazilian Furniture Project gave priority to creating its new corporate visual identity, which was the responsibility of the GAD agency.


It communicates the innovative spirit that is characteristic of Brazilians, as well as the style that arises from this creative way of thinking and acting, while embracing modernity. The use of pictograms gives the proposal a modular effect, highlighting a playful nature, and always ready to surprise you.


Among the many attributes of this brand, which focuses on making Brazilian furniture known, abroad, is its adaptability, seen in its ability to fit into any market, and to the varying needs of clients, while always being true to itself. Another important characteristic of the new visual identity is its capacity to reflect the purpose of delivering quality products at a perceptibly fair price.


“We start from the premise that this brand should reflect the Project’s values, the mode of working adopted, and its internal culture, as well as the pursuit of strengthening the Brazilian furniture industry, so that we can expand the presence of our products, abroad,” says João Araújo Pinto Neto, manager of the Brazilian Furniture Project.