Developed since 2005, the BrazilianFurniture Project, is an initiative of the Brazilian Association of Furniture Industry - ABIMÓVEL, in partnership with Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency - Apex-Brasil, that aims the internationalization of the furniture industry.
This internationalization process is realized, by means of a set of strategic actions, directing the companies that have in their strategy, the act in the international market. For that, the BrazilianFurniture Project is structured to guide and attend the needs of the companies, in all levels of exports maturity, with the aim of promoting and strengthening exports and the sector’s image.
It is important to highlight that from January 2015 to January 2016, the BrazilianFurniture Project achieved an increase of 68% in the number of associated companies, in which 94 companies were part of the market actions, which resulted in the generation of US $ 25.3 million. These numbers represent the efforts committed to the partnership's mission of promoting the brazilian exportationsector. And in continuity this work, the Strategic Planning of Internationalization of the Furniture Industry, for the next two years (2016-2018), has in its scope, the following axes of action:
Through a set of training actions and dissemination of strategic market information, the objective of the axis is to be a support base for the companies that are part of the PS, in order to foster the competitiveness of the Brazilian industry in the international market.
This axis aims to reinforce the image of the brazilian industry in the international market, through branding, communication, marketing in the international market, whether by structuring actions, in the main events of the sector.
Promote the increase of brazilian furniture industry exports, based on market actions, such as international fairs, buyer projects and trade missions.
In this sense, it is essential to point out that the BrazilianFurniture Project has a Management Committee, as an instance of accompanying and monitoring the management of the instrument, regarding the strategy of operation, measurement of goals and results and technical and financial transparency.
Implemented in 2015, the Management Committee is formed by ABIMÓVEL, Apex-Brasil and a number of 08 executives / executives from the sector, whose mandate, established by the rules, is in accordance with the validity of the exercise.
Among the main duties of this committee, the following stand out: